- Added the possibility to mute/unmute audio from Mitti
- Added option to set the Vertical Offset of Subtitles
- The Auto Scroll to Current Cue feature now scrolls to the top of the playlist
- Mitti displays an error message if the selected subtitle can't be parsed for any reason
- Added various new OSC commands and feedback: scrubbing the playhead, play with cut, audio mute, etc.
- Subtitles may render wrong when the selected font is Andale Mono or Monaco
- Mitti may be unresponsive after launch for a couple of seconds
- Some commands coming from OSC could be processed parallel in certain circumstances
- Various OSC feedback related problems
- Added "Get Stream Deck Plugin..." option to the help menu
- Made the Registration Panel more clear when a valid Dongle is plugged in
- OSC Input's Bonjour service doesn't handle multiple instances well
- Setting In/Out shouldn't be always available via OSC
- Mitti's NDI outputs aren't discoverable thru mDNS/Bonjour on macOS 15 Sequoia
- Can't detect ATEM's on the network via Bonjour on macOS 15 Sequoia
- Added In/Out time setting possibility by right-clicking on the Playhead
- New OSC Commands:
& /mitti/setOutFromPlayhead
- OSC Feedback is enabled by default on localhost and port:51001. This chance only affects new installations.
- Various possible errors on restoring a project with changed movie files that have In/Out points set
- Transitioning from a yet looping video may result in running out in certain circumstances
- Project loading may get stuck if it contains Cues from an unavailable network drive
- If the active Cue is not selected, the "Set Video In/Out from Playhead" actions from the Cue Menu do nothing
- Set Video In/Out may be enabled for not only the active cue
- Playhead is visible after creating a new project
- Crash on dropping in a video file while getting Play commands thru MIDI
- Frame jump on Pause at Beginning in very rare circumstances
- Cue looping won't result in Start Time recalculation anymore
- Switched to 51001 as default for OSC feedback port (this change only affects new installs)
- Various issues with looping Cues in rare circumstances
- Some incoming OSC commands may result in a crash in very rare circumstances
- Hang on changing Audio Output device in some circumstances
- Intermittent video stuttering after changing Audio Output in rare circumstances
- Selected ATEM Input may not shown correctly in certain circumstances
- If there is no free seat on the license, can't restore a broken dongle
- Audio Normalization may set higher than +12dB adjustment
- Audio files show Bit Depth info by mistake
- Auto-switch to an available Screen type Output if the selected is disconnected or missing
- Auto-fullscreen is On by default for new installs
- Looping is On by default for Live Cues (Camera, NDI, Syphon, Browser and Window Sources)
- An issue with In/Out points in very rare circumstances
- Output activation fails under rare circumstances
- Cues with non 100% Playback Speed may unable to play in certain circumstances
- Audio may drift out over long movies in certain circumstances
- Quicklook Plugin doesn't working on macOS 15 Sequoia
- Possible playback problems after moved a looped Cue around the playlist
- No way to close the Browser Source window when Interacting on macOS 14.6 or later
- Looping Audio only Cue may play wrong part after In/Out points edited
- Jump commands don't work with NMC in certain circumstances
- With audio-only Cues, playhead doesn't set the In point location after a project loaded
- Transition selection in Playlist Preferences doesn't apply to new Cues
- In/Out times are editable for non-video Cues from the Cue menu
- Changes in the rendering pipeline to avoid a very rare crash
- Crash on copying a large amount of Cues
- Audio may be silenced after calling Goto commands in some rare circumstances
- Goto30 may be processed from OSC even if the Cue is shorter in time
- Port 51000 shouldn't be allowed for OSC feedback to avoid possible issues
- Playback speed won't restore for audio on project load
- Audio may start from the wrong position if playback speed isn't 100%
- Out-point placement error when set from Playhead in certain circumstances
- Possible crash on a cue with audio playing from a drive that is being removed suddenly
- Possible problems when Goto commands coming too fast from OSC
- UI glitch on drawing Cues during re-order
- NDI cue is frozen while Transition to Next Cue on Intel Macs
- Special OSC keywords like /all/ won't work with custom Cue IDs
- Hyperdeck shuttle feature doesn't working on a playing cue
- View menu item 'Hide Playlist and Transport' doesn't turn into 'Show Playlist and Transport'
- Crash on a new setup with a Syphon Output
- Crash on loading a project with many Cues set to Transtition to Next Cue
- Crash on trying to normalize a non-file based Cue
- Subtitle Font Size on Outputs are much smaller than in previous versions of Mitti
- Last loop of a numbered looping item may restart when calling play in certain circumstances
Click here for an overview of the new features.
- Playback Speed control for Video Cues
- 10 bit rendering
- Downmix Multi-channel audio to Stereo
- Interact with Browser Cues
- Get and Edit Start Time of Subtitles
- Media Info Panel
- Track and auto-update location changes for file based Media
- New OSC functions for toggling Video Outputs
- Rendering of .mp4 files is more optimal from now
- Rendering performance on Blackmagic and NDI Outputs is increased
- The "Show in Finder..." option is now available from the right-click menu of Cues
- Enhanced logging capabilities
- Enhanced User-Agent representation for the Browser Cue
- Blackmagic Output may render on a screen after reconnecting in certain circumstances
- Crash during system sleep in certain circumstances
- Crash on unreadable audio file
- Crash on changing the transition while the transition is running
- Crash on changing Goto at the end of the playlist
- Screen popup doesn't select the correct screen in certain circumstances
- /cueName OSC feedback may get truncated in certain circumstances
- HyperDeck compatibility on the ATEM Constellation models
- Can't connect to Syphon servers in certain circumstances
- OSC Feedback-loop crash
- UI glitch around Window Sources' source panel
- Now it is possible to activate/deactivate Mitti from the command line. Please check the documentation for details.
- Crash on calling ATEM integration's Pause at End action if the switcher isn't connected anymore
- Selected ATEM Switcher may not reconnect upon project load
- Cue ID and Title may padded to the right in certain circumstances
- Audio goes silent after looping in certain circumstances
- Playback pauses for a moment when Mitti goes to the background in certain circumstances
- Crash when switching to an only 1 frame long movie
- Crash on changing number of outputs
- Display issues on UI with only a couple of frames long movies
- Selected subtitle doesn't restore after project load
- Problems with .srt subtitle parsing in certain circumstances
- Bundle Playlist should collect sidecar subtitle files too
- Calling Goto10/20/30 or Pause on a looping Cue may selects the next Cue
- Edge Blending remains on after remove other display(s)
- Cue played after a looping Cue may run out in certain circumstances
- Problems on NMC backup after calling Panic with Fade out & Rewind
- ATEM Integration popup may lists other Blackmagic products that are not switchers
- Sound click on the NDI/SDI audio output after processing a JUMP with transition
- Crash on resizing Mitti's Window on macOS 14 Sonoma
- Cue Volume level may display wrong number after the project loaded
- Problem with Goto10/20/30 if there is a looping Cue before the current one
Features & Enhancements
- Added option to enable/disable Hide Mouse Cursor on Outputs
- Added support to auto-discovery of newer ATEM switchers like the HD8
- Auto-Start on Open may not starts the movie if an In Point has been set
- Optimizations when Subtitle/CC rendering on Output is on, but the Current Cue does not have a subtitle
- OSC Feedback should not be allow to set to port 51000 on localhost
- MTC Follower mode may crash when there is a jump in the timecode
- Various issues with Edge Blending
- NMC Panic with Fade out & Load may not process correctly on the Follower
- Crash on loading a new playlist while playing
- Vertical Scale is wrong with portrait mode videos
- BMD 2160p23.98 mode is missing
Click here for an overview of the new features.
- Subtitle / Closed Caption rendering
- Window Source (requires macOS 12.3 at least)
- Prevent Display Mirroring
- Refactored audio engine
- Axis Independent Scale and Selectable Transform Origin
- Support for HEVC with Alpha codec
- ATEM Integration with Manual IP
- Hyperdeck Emulation shows Ethernet IP
- Panic with 'Load Next Cue' option
- Extend Mono with Options
- Support for file Aliases
- Added indicator for playback needs to be started on NDI cues to get incoming audio
- Added buttons next to the In/Out time fields to set In/Out Times from the playhead
- Added indicator of waveforms being processed
- After setting a new Goto target for the first time, enable it automatically
- Added warning if selected a Core Audio Blackmagic audio output instead of NDI & SDI
- Crash on Quit because could not cancel waveform generation
- NDI/Camera Cue audio to NDI/SDI output
- Loading a longer playlist after a longer playlist already loaded makes Mitti stuck
- Freeze on importing many files
- Various changes to avoid some potential deadlocks in rare circumstances
- Memory usage is greatly reduced by improved memory management on audio analysis
- Art-Net connection may break over the time
- Mitti may not process incoming Art-Net data in certain circumstances
- Project loading hangs if there are many looping Cues
- Possible crash on changing the In Time of a Cue
- Custom Transition time does not restore correctly for non-movie type cues in certain circumstances
- Unnecessary video preloading in some circumstances
- GOTO buttons may remain disabled after hitting their hotkeys
What's new?
- Adds the possibility to set the selected Cue as the Goto target on the current. Available from the Cue menu or with
- Adds new OSC command
- Adds new OSC command
which sends a /mitti/pong
on the OSC feedback port
- Crash on opening Video Output in rare circumstances
- Playback may freeze when tapping on the Playhead Area
- Transport controls should be disabled while dragging the playhead
- No audio from NDI or Camera Cues in certain circumstances
- NDI input audio does not restart playback after the source reconnected
- Audio on NDI Output may go out of sync when using Transition on Play
- Auto-align to time does not working if the source is missing
- Playhead area does not update after changing Auto-Align to time
OSC commands do not work in some situations
- Performance problems with Browser Cue on macOS 13 Ventura
- Cannot set Out time from the Cue menu in certain circumstances
and /mitti/{cuenumber}/cropTopAsPixels
OSC messages are not working properly
- Various small UI problems
- Crash when file is unreadable or getting unavailable from a network drive
- Seeking on file by clicking on the timeline repeatedly may result in unexpected behavior if the file is on a slow drive (e.g. network drive)
- If an In-time has been set and the video is on a slow drive (e.g. network drive) it might not be playable
- Calling Jump to First Cue result in missing Blue Bar
- Jumping to Last Item in a looping playlist with a single Still Image Cue results in a deadlock
- Some tweaks around handling
OSC messages
- Goto 10 keyboard shortcut has been set back to
, creating Browser Cue is now using CMD+SHIFT+1
- Audio may drift out after a while when using 23.98p or 59.94p Blackmagic Output
- First frame might be a glitch from last playback if the ATEM Load Next Cue action is triggered while the video was playing
- Odd behaviour of NMC backups when the current Cue is at Pause-at-End and trying to trigger an other
- Turning off looping on a Cue after it looped a couple of times then enabling Transition results in unwanted jumps in the playlist
- Rare crash on frame-stepping videos
OSC feedback is broken
- If Mitti is launched at the first time, Preview and Video Outputs are blank until an Output is set
- Crash on setting 0 to Custom Transition duration
- Crash on changing Corner Point editing zoom after deleting a Screen in Video Outputs
- UI issues around undoing Screen deletion in Video Outputs
New & Enhanced
- Switched to NDI 5.5
- Added
OSC feedback
- Added
OSC feedback
- Modernized Feedback Reporter
- An invalid ATEM Integration setting may prevent Mitti from proper startup
- Rare crash around toggling Fullscreen on/off
- Opening a project with missing movies will stuck
- Opening a project with no Cues will stuck
- Hang on bulk-editing duration of many files
- Some settings are not stored in defaults
- Slower loading of projects with non-movies Cues
- Possible threading issue on loading Video Output settings
- Cues' collapsed state not restoring correctly if default state is set to Expanded
- Various OSC Feedback related fixes
- Importing many files when Transition to Next Item is enabled is significantly improved
- Show warning when macOS Privacy Settings does not allow Mitti to read a Mitti License Dongle
- Loading of the project file is stuck around halfway in certain circumstances
- Some HAP flavours may rendering wrong
What's New
- ATEM Integration's CUT/AUTO on Pause at End now supports Media Players, and everything on Preview
- After the project is loaded, Browser Cues pausing all video tags by default unless it is the Current one
- If trying to activate a Mitti v2 instance with a v1 only license key, the error message should be more informative
- Playback of selected clip might be skipped in certain circumstance
- Geometry, Color Controls & Panic does not working while the Cue is paused in certain circumstances
- Panic & Auto-Fade duration could be higher than set
Click here for an overview of the new features.
What's New?
- Audio Normalization
- New Cue Type: Browser Source
- Added dB display for Master Volume
- Upgraded NDI to v5.1.1
- Added
OSC Command
- Now it is possible to use Pause at Beginning and Transition on a Cue
- If remaining time is too short for the Transition on Play/Jump, now we are holding the last frame of the current Cue instead of doing a Jump
- UI glitches around processing LOAD
- Clicking outside from a text field to a button does not end editing
- Playback stuttering on NDI or BMD Output when toggling on/off Mitti's Window from Fullscreen
- Videos may hold the last frame when playing again if Jump behaviour is LOAD in certain circumstances
- Crash on Transition to a new Cue from a Looping Cue close to its end
- Rare crash on seeking to a new location in LTC/MTC follower mode
- Stuttering playback after playback stalled because of a reading problem
- License Dongle not listed in Dongle Management if there are no more available seats
- "File not found" after relinking missing files
- NDI Crash with non-standard resolutions
- Hitting ESC on the Registration panel process Deactivate
- Cue won't start if previously it was target of Transition to Next Cue, but the transition was interrupted by an other Jump
- Target of Transition to Next Cue keep playing in background if Transition was interrupted by a Jump
- Jumping to the target of Transition to Next Cue during Transition stops playback
- Jumping backward from a Transition to Next Cue does not rewind the next Cue
- Jumping inside the area of Transition to Next Cue results in delayed audio playback
- UI glitch after seeking playhead forward from a Transition to Next Cue
- Transition to Next Cue jumps thru the Playlist if Playlist Start time is not 00:00:00:00
- Crash on selecting a disconnected BMD Output
- Goto Cue goes next cue after target when clicking into transition time
- Crash on switching audio output after a loading multiple projects in some cases
- Crash on selecting multiple Cues with different Transition time
- Playhead scrubbing problems with NMC
- No audio on backup after pause with NMC
- ESC should cancel editing on text fields
- Cue Inspector does not refresh after deselecting all Cue with ESC
- CMD+ESC quits Mitti from macOS Fullscreen state if Panic is activated already
- Crash if file is disappearing from the playlist during playback
- Audio may de-sync over the time on Blackmagic Outputs
- Playback is stuttering on the next loop of a looping video after changing the Video In time without rewind
- Playlist Loop is broken when there is only one Cue
- Video shows only the first frame on the first play in certain circumstances
- On add, multi-page PDF files my display the wrong thumbnail
- After disabling Loop on a Cue, the next Cue might "run out"
- Crash when an imported still image has width or height over 16384 pixels
- HAP thumbnail is upside-down sometimes
- HAP files are darker
- MTC/LTC sync does not play audio
- Playhead location change by dragging does not synchronize on NMC Backups
- Thumbnail aspect might wrong in Cue Inspector
- Cannot playback audio although waveform is generated correctly in rare circumstances
- Video shows only the first frame after changing Video In time multiple times in a row
- Possible deadlock around starting/stopping playback in certain rare circumstances
- Audio Waveform may stuck in "Generating Waveform" state in certain rare circumstances
- Possible deadlock around switching Video Outputs in certain circumstances
- Playback may show only the last frame when replaying a Cue already played in a looping playlist
- Playback of destination Cue of a Transition-to-Next-Item may stops when the transition finishes
- Audio hiccup on the first play of a newly added video
- Geometry & Color Controls does not update after playback is stopped in certain circumstances
- Crash on Waveform generation in certain circumstances
- Crash on adding a not decodable file
- Crash on transcoding in certain circumstances
- Playhead drawing is glitchy on processing Transition-to-Next-Cue
- Crop should be transparent
- Volume mount/unmount may popup the Demo window
- Behaviour of Outpoint dragging is odd in certain circumstances
- Crash with vMix Desktop Capture
- Rendering glitch on Working Area when switching between Cues
- For smooth playback, we've implemented a new video buffering method
- We have moved to a more modern audio API to better handle audio in certain formats
- CUT/AUTO to a specified ATEM input or the Preview when a Cue ends with Pause at End
- Added OSC Feedbacks
& /currentCueID
- Improved performance on playout with Blackmagic & NDI Output
- Stuttering playback
- Crash on loading a project with Blackmagic or NDI output in certain circumstances
- Crash on importing multiple files in certain circumstances
- Cannot read audio track of some files
- Hang on startup when an ATEM switcher is connected
- Cue switching with LOAD is slow in certain circumstances
- MittiQuicklook plugin crash
- Rendering frame rate will be wrong after changing the number of Outputs in certain circumstances
- When setting rendering FPS for multiple display type Outputs, the laptop screen is also calculated which could lead into problems
- Setting Cue In time after the Out time results in a crash
- Changing Audio Routing from Project to Custom does not working as expected
- Dragging the In Time or Out Time marker may results to jumping to the next Cue suddenly
- Setting Cue Out Time may results in jumping to an other Cue
- Thumbnail may set to an other frame then expected
- ATEM Trigger's Load-Next-Cue action is not processing as expected when a Cue is on pause-at-end state
- No SDI sound when opening multichannel audio project in certain circumstances
- Cue's audio meter does not clearing
- UI is not resizable if the Inspector is closed
- UI glitch with the Inspector & Playlist views
- Launching Mitti with Outputs activated results in a black flash
- Cannot transition to a missing Video Cue
- We are displaying a warning sign next to Trigger from ATEM Switcher, in case the ATEM Switcher drivers are not installed
- Spanned output aspect ratio is incorrect on Display type Video Outputs
- If Activate Outputs on Open is enabled, Main Display may losing Mouse cursor in certain circumstances
- Span and Edge Blending is enabled in single-output configuration in certain circumstances
- Crash on re-linking or transcoding files
- Crash on changing count of Video Outputs
- Preview gets stretched after disabling Span Across Displays
- Deleting an NDI or BMD Output then calling undo makes rendering behave oddly
- When you set Video Output Time to Playhead and Transition in enabled, Mitti jumps to the next Cue
- "Pixellated" rendering on Apple Silicon
- Some BMD output modes are missing
- CMD+U does not working as expected when the Current Cue is not selected
- Crash on creating an NDI Cue in certain circumstances
Initial release. Please check out the What's New article to find out what is new.