
Vezér Help - Controlling Vezér

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There a couple of elements - most likely buttons - which you can control with MIDI controllers. Turn on MIDI Learn mode in the Project menu, and every MIDI controllable elements will turn into red. Now click on the element you want to control, and push a button, rotate a knob, slider a fader etc. to assign a MIDI controller to something in Vezér.

MMC Transport

Vezér 1.6 added support for incoming MMC Transport commands. The following commands are currently supported:

  • Play
  • Stop
  • Rewind
  • Record
  • Locate

There are different MMC DeviceIDs to control different Compositions or even the Master Controls in Vezér, which ones are the following:

  • 0 - MMC will control the Master Controls (only Play, Stop and Rewind messages can be used here)
  • 127 - MMC will control the Current Composition
  • 1-126 - MMC will control individual Compositions, where Device ID is the index of the Composition

Note: to make the Locate commands work correctly, the frame rate of the Composition should be match to the MMC sender's frame rate settings. Since MMC commands does not send any information about the expected frame rate, this should be managed manually.

Listening to MMC Transport commands is NOT enabled by default - this settings can be found in Preferences -> MIDI.


Most of the items in Vezér can be controlled with OSC. To determine the OSC namespace of an item turn check the Show OSC Namespaces in the Project menu. This will turn the OSC controllable items to yellow, and if you select one, the Info Field on the bottom of Vezér's window will show you the namespace with the corresponding values as well.

There are a couple of special OSC messages, which ones not directly assigned to any interface elements, but being processed under the hood:

Actions on the current Composition

Instead of using the Composition's name, you can use /current/ keyword for controlling the current Composition (which is selected in the Compositions List). For example, /vezer/current/playhead will control the playhead of the currently selected Composition.

Cue related OSC commands can be found here in the Cues section.

Controlling the Playhead

  • playhead: float, between 0.0 and 1.0.
    Example: /vezer/composition1/playhead with the value 0.5 will jump to the middle of the current Composition

  • jumptoframe: integer, jumps to an exact frame.
    Example: /vezer/composition1/jumptoframe with the value 30 will jump to the 30th frame, which is the 1st sec of a 30fps Composition.

  • nextframe: any value will trigger.
    Example: /vezer/composition1/nextframe will step to the next frame.

  • prevframe: any value will trigger.
    Example: /vezer/composition1/prevframe will step to the previous frame.

Triggering Compositions

  • /vezer/stopcomps: stops all the Compositions. (No parameter needed)

  • /vezer/triggernextcomp: triggers the next Composition (No parameter needed)

  • /vezer/triggerprevcomp: triggers the previous Composition (No parameter needed)

  • /vezer/triggercompatindex: triggers the Composition at the given int type index (starts from 1)

  • /vezer/selectcompatindex: selects the Composition at the given index. Requires an integer value, starts from 1.

  • /vezer/selectcompwithname: selecting a Composition with the given name (requires a string type parameter)

  • /vezer/triggercompwithname: triggering a Composition with the given name (requires a string type parameter)

Rotate Hue on Color Tracks

You can rotate the Hue on Color outputs when saturation of the current color is bigger then 0, using the /vezer/rotatehue (0.0-1.0f) command.

OSC command for loading a project

Vezér 1.4.2 adds a new OSC command /vezer/loadproject (with a string parameter referring to a file path) to load a project. This command forces loading, which means the current project will be automatically closed even if there are unsaved changes.

The string type parameters supports tilde in in the path, referring to the current user's library. So /vezer/loadproject ~/Documents/example.vzr will load the example.vzr file in the current user's Documents folder.

OSC Feedback and Query

To make Vezér sending informations about itself thru OSC to a target app, you can enable OSC Feedback on the bottom right corner of the OSC preferences tab, and select one of Vezér's OSC output as the destination.

Automatic feedback

There are some parameters that Vezér sends out when feedback is enabled:

  • The Playhead of the Compositions - like /vezer/composition1/playhead - float 0.0 and 1.0
  • The Cue name if the Composition reached a Cue - like /vezer/composition1/pausedbycue - string with the name of the Cue
  • State of the buttons on state change - like /vezer/playall - int 0 or 1
  • /vezer/*compname*/playheadastime - returns the playhead of the composition as a string using the hh:mm:ss:ff format
  • /vezer/current/name - returns the current Composition name once a new Composition has been selected

Additional /playhead, /pausedbycue and button states on the Composition level will be sent out with the /vezer/current/... format for the currently selected Composition.

Feedback by query

There are a couple of messages you can send out to Vezér to get informations in replies. index starts from 1 in queries.

Composition Info

Sends out the name of the Composition and the length.

Queries are:

  • /vezer/compinfowithname : Info of the Composition by the given name (needs a string argument)
  • /vezer/compinfoatindex : Info of the Composition by the given index (needs an int argument)
  • /vezer/currentcompinfo : Info of the current Composition (no argument needed)

Replies are:

  • /vezer/compinfo/name : with a string type value contains the name of the Composition
  • /vezer/compinfo/duration : with an int type value contains the length of the Composition in seconds.

Composition Count

Sends out the number of Compositions.


  • /vezer/countofcomps : Info of the current Composition (no argument needed) Reply:

  • /vezer/compcount : with a int type value contains the count of Composition

Count of Cues

  • Query: /vezer/composition1/countofcues - where composition1 is the OSC address of the Composition

  • Reply: /vezer/composition1/cuecount - with an int corresponding to the number of Cues

Name of Cues

  • Query: /vezer/composition1/nameofcueatindex - with an int as the index of the target Cue.composition1 is the OSC address of the Composition

  • Reply: /vezer/cuename - with a string type value with the name of the Cue

Time of Cues

  • Query: /vezer/composition1/timeofcueatindex - with an int as the index of the target Cue.composition1 is the OSC address of the Composition

  • Reply: /vezer/cuetime - with an int type value with the time of the Cue in frames

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