
Vezér Help - Changelog

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Vezér 1.9.6 (July 3, 2024 - Rev.776)


  • OSC Value Track Preferences icon isn't always visible

Vezér 1.9.5 (February 13, 2024 - Rev.775)


  • Audio Track may draw at wrong time on the timeline after editing Composition Duration
  • Crash on trying to re-order Color Tracks
  • Crash on undo after deleting a Composition
  • Crash on trying to loading an unsupported or damaged audio file
  • Hang on zooming in certain circumstances
  • Cosmetic fixes
  • Lock Project now locks Working Area too

Vezér 1.9.4 (November 13, 2023 - Rev.767)


  • Drawing glitches on pre-Sonoma macOS versions
  • Crash on startup on macOS 11 Big Sur and earlier

Vezér 1.9.3 (November 11, 2023 - Rev.765)


  • Drawing issues introduced in 1.9.2

Vezér 1.9.2 (10/04/2023 - Rev.764)

Vezér 1.9.2 drops support for Mac OSX 10.12 Sierra.


  • Crash when a firewall stops Vezér to access the network
  • Keyframe index mismatch after loading a project in some cases
  • Various drawing issues
  • macOS 14 Sonoma compatibility

Vezér 1.9.1 (07/14/2022 - Rev.762)


  • Fixes MIDI sending on M1 Macs

Vezér 1.9 (11/02/2021 - Rev.760)

What's New

  • Universal Binary - Now Vezér runs natively on Apple Silicon
  • Added Cut Work Area from Composition option - available from the right-click menu of the Work Area
  • Added Insert Time at Playhead - available from the right-click menu of the Work Area


  • Audio Waveform may not aligned well in certain circumstances
  • Possible crash on converting audio to keyframes
  • Audio may not start from the beginning in rare circumstances
  • Crash on exporting MIDI files when there are Tracks with non-latin letters in their name
  • Crash on project import or loading in some circumstances
  • Drawing problems with selection on Audio Tracks when the view is zoomed
  • Drawing problem on dragging the playhead when the Composition is zoomed
  • Drawing problem on scroll after moving keyframes
  • Various other cosmetic fixes

1.8.9 (09/11/2020 - Rev.747)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.

What's new?

  • Synchronized start of multiple audio files in the same Composition
  • /vezer/compname/playhead now accepts time in hh:mm:ss:ff format too


  • BPM sync may accidentally stop
  • Crash on exporting MIDI files when there are Tracks with non-latin letters in their name
  • Crash on dragging multiple Tracks

1.8.8 (07/30/2020 - Rev.743)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.

What's new?

Editing per-Track audio channel assignments now easier.


  • Possible deadlock if a Composition has lot of long audio track
  • Possible crash when sending OSC from multiple Composition
  • Replacing an audio file resets the channel mapping

1.8.7 (04/22/2020 - Rev.741)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.


  • Multiple audio outputs with the same name not listed
  • Crash on changing audio cutoff frequencies
  • Scrollbar may hide audio output numbering

1.8.6 (10/21/2019 - Rev.739)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.

What's new?

Vezér is now notarized to meet the security requirements of the new macOS 10.15 Catalina operating system.


  • Crash on trying to paste data from a closed project
  • Audio clicking in certain circumstances
  • OSC Presets are in random order on macOS 10.14 or later
  • Crash on loading a project which has audio file with filtering enabled and "Pre-process Audio Filters..." is not enabled
  • Triggering a Composition my results in stopping playback of audio in other Compositions
  • Audio may stop after jumping on the timeline
  • In certain circumstances a Stop Cue might be processed when it stops

1.8.5 (04/26/2019 - Rev.736)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.


  • Crash on removing Tracks
  • Audio crash with certain kind of audio data
  • OSCQuery Reload may not working with all software
  • Cannot list multiple pieces of the same Ethernet adapter

1.8.4 (03/04/2019 - Rev.735)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.


  • Audio location wrongly set when Composition is running in Slave mode
  • Problem with Keyframe Index on OSC Flag Tracks when "Process first Keyframe on Play" is enabled
  • OSC Flags not displaying fractions precisely
  • Problem with setting audio device after unplugging the current output device
  • Crash on closing the SMPTE offset window
  • Volume not applied on Waveform after loading a project
  • Channel assign issues with multichannel audio files
  • Vezér might stop sending network packets when in the background

1.8.3 (09/28/2018 - Rev.733)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.

New & Enhanced:

  • Added option to ignore Play buttons state on loading
  • Added option to toggle reprocessing Tracks on un-mute
  • Support for OSCQuery Host Info


  • Audio won't play if starting playback from the end of the Composition
  • Audio Tracks may playing even if they are Muted
  • Triggering Composition via OSC or by the Trigger Next/Previous Composition buttons should not turn on Play All
  • OSCQuery does not read multi-dimension parameter's MIN/MAX

1.8.2 (05/28/2018 - Rev.725)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.

New & Enhanced:

  • Improved OSC Query support
  • Added option to set the state of Loop for new Compositions


  • Rare crash when opening the OSC Query panel on OSX 10.11
  • Crash on loading an Audio Track in certain circumstances
  • Crash when recording OSC data that has at least one non-number argument
  • Some Keyframes are going to be reprocessed while looping a Cue
  • MTC Sync Output Start Time not working properly when Drop-frame output set

1.8.1 (03/27/2018 - Rev.722)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.

New & Enhancement:

  • Added new all keyword to send OSC command to all Compositions
  • JSON Keyframe Import now supports Interpolations
  • Render to XML now exports interpolation types for Keyframes
  • Added Filepath and StartTime fields for Audio Tracks on XML rendering


  • Registered computer may deactivate suddenly
  • XML Rendering may not write incorrect Process tags for Art-Net Color Tracks
  • XML Rendering does not handle 16bit Art-Net
  • Cannot undo Keyframe movements
  • XML rendering ignores Audio Tracks
  • A very rare crash while processing incoming MIDI messages
  • Crash when changing the Low- or High Cutoff Frequency

1.8 (01/11/2018 - Rev.720)

Please check out our blog post for an overview of the update.


  • New Audio Engine that support multi-channel audio and audio routing
  • Faster Audio Track init and reload by caching audio data
  • Added option to select Audio Channel to draw and convert
  • Add Show In Finder... command to the right-click menu of Audio Tracks
  • Make file names as Track name when Audio Tracks created by drag&drop
  • Default Interpolation for Keyframes
  • Added Tree View for OSC Query
  • OSC Query Window is now resizable
  • Do not clear the "Search" field when reloading an OSC Query Server's contents
  • Added GRB and GBR output formats for Art-Net Color Track
  • New Feedback Panel
  • New Beta Distribution


  • Hang while switching back from MTC Slave mode while processing incoming timecode packets
  • Failing to chase to the correct start time of the incoming MTC signal
  • OSC Grouping does not processed if not all parameters are changing
  • Deadlock when cannot set the channel mapping of an Audio Track
  • Keyframes may send out values during editing even if their Track is disabled
  • Display problems with DMX Output Monitor when using a non-zero Sub-Net
  • Crash on starting Record in certain circumstances
  • RGBW color data calculated incorrectly
  • Crash on saving a Project in certain circumstances
  • Cue actions are ignoring the "Process Last Keyframe on Jump" preference
  • OSC Flags may display different values than the flag will actually send
  • In certain circumstances, the first few frames won't be processed when launching the next Composition in Queue mode

1.7.8 (07/19/2017 - Rev.705)


  • Art-Net Discovery may not discover every nodes on the network
  • MIDI Tracks does not reconnect to a re-plugged device
  • Possible crash around toggling the MTC Sync output

1.7.7 (06/14/2017 - Rev.703)


  • OSC Presets support for OSC Flags
  • Separated "Process Last Keyframe on Jump and Unpause" behaviour preferences for finer controls
  • Added support for using <$> with OSCFlag Keyframes to send the index of the current keyframe
  • Added support for <$S> to send the current time as seconds

1.7.6 (04/27/2017 - Rev.699)


  • Added option to set Project's Default Audio Output
  • Added option to disable pre-processing of audio filtering results
  • Automatically search for missing files in /files/ directory relative to the Project File location


  • Text cursor is not visible when editing Composition name in certain circumstances

1.7.5 (03/07/2017 - Rev.696)


  • Supported the latest changes of the OSCQuery protocol


  • Crash when setting interpolation on multiple Keyframes
  • Vezér's crash reporter might be in the background in certain cases

1.7.4 (01/24/2017 - Rev.693)


  • Added support to import OSC Flags from JSON


  • Cannot Paste Flag Keyframes
  • Cannot paste Color Keyframes

1.7.3 (01/17/2017 - Rev.690)


  • Cannot Paste Keyframes from Audio Tracks

1.7.2 (01/13/2017 - Rev.688)


  • Color Keyframes are not displaying
  • Copying Tracks/Keyframes to Composition with different FPS settings then the source Composition results in wrongly positioned Keyframes

1.7.1 (01/10/2017 - Rev.686)


  • Keyframes created with the "Place Keyframe at Playhead" will be set to the middle of the previous and next Keyframes (if they are present) from now


  • Crash when browsing Mitti's OSC Query address space if Mitti has been disconnected in the meantime
  • Audio offset might change when changing Composition FPS
  • Some Vezér OSC commands might be ignored while recording is enabled

1.7 (2016/12/12 - Rev.682)

New & Enhanced:

  • NMC - Network Sync
  • OSC Query Server support
  • Added the possibility to target multiple DMX channels with Softpatch items
  • JSON Keyframe Import now supports Color Values and Linear Interpolation
  • Added option to DMX Blackout when Solo
  • Paste Cues from Mitti
  • Add Vezér version number as a comment to the exported XML
  • Overlay on Tracks outside of the Working Area
  • Added option to set how to handle Keyframes outside of the Tracks Min/Max settings on change
  • Behaviour change: after pasting Keyframes only the newly created Keyframes will be selected. Hold down Shift while pasting if you want previously selected Keyframes to be selected too
  • Behaviour change: when multiple Keyframes and Track are selected, deleting only removes the Keyframes, selected Tracks without Keyframes selected won't be removed
  • Adds support for fixed arguments on OSC Color Tracks
  • Adds support for RGBWA fixtures


  • Fixes a general issue with processing and transmitting MMC commands
  • XML export does not include value of Color Keyframes
  • Turning off Blackout on Mute function does not working
  • OSC Track parameters does not handling whitespaces
  • Value Flow display should only be drawn inside the Working Area
  • Keyframe Interpolation won't be processed if the previous Keyframe is outside of the Working Area
  • Copy/Pasting 5-fraction digit keyframes may results in other value then original
  • Display Track Outputs state does not stored/restored with a Project
  • OSC Track Preferences' Min/Max fields does not allow to use 5 fraction digits
  • Inverting OSC Keyframes won't work if the Track Min value is not 0.0
  • Vezér does not reconnect to the last used network interface when it become available again
  • Possible crash around drawing while recording Keyframes
  • OSC Command /playcueatindex not working with Stop Cues when the Composition was already running
  • Playhead does not going to be updated when stopping on a Cue
  • In certain circumstances audio is going out of sync by one frame after pause-unpause
  • MTC Sync won't working anymore after enabling Sync output

    • *

1.6.2 (2016/08/15 - Rev.659)

New & Enhanced:

  • MIDI Feedback
  • Added 'Esc' shortcut to deselect Keyframes/Tracks
  • Remember MIDI inputs on/off states after disconnecting them
  • Now you can create multiple OSC Flags on the same location using the "Place Keyframe at Playhead Location" command


  • Recording starts from wrong position when the Working Area range's start point is over zero
  • Selecting the Next/Previous Composition not enabled after loading a project
  • Audio routing does not going to be applied after loading a project in certain circumstances
  • Solo mode does not soloing a Composition which has been stopped by a Cue
  • Selection started from a locked Audio Track lose the start point of the selection

    • *

1.6.1 (2016/06/15 - Rev.650)

New & Enhanced:

  • Added option to disable Art-Net
  • Allow the Composition Time field to use aggregate values, ie. 120secs
  • Flag Keyframes auto-append a leading / character if missing
  • Use the last Keyframe's value if possible when creating a Keyframe using the keyboard shortcut
  • Master Play button should be deselected when the Queue finished playback and no looping enabled
  • Queue functions should be disabled if there is only one Composition


  • Crash when setting a Flag's address to an invalid value in certain circumstances
  • Crash when opening MIDI Filters if project saved with a version before 1.6
  • Flags may drawn with Red color, even if they are not overlapping
  • Tracks being triggered when the setup is changing, ie. a device has been connected/disconnected
  • Sometimes the Paste in Place: option is not enabled when it should be

    • *

1.6 (2016/05/19 - Rev.644)

New & Enhanced:

  • Cue Looping & Markers
  • 14bit MIDI support
  • 16bit DMX support
  • Redesigned the Art-Net repeat and channel functions to allow grouping
  • MMC Transport support
  • JSON Keyframe import
  • Allow using Trackpad gestures to zoom in/out
  • Added option to enable/disable following playhead during playback
  • Added option to use 5 fraction digits precision with OSC Float Keyframes
  • Support for send Composition ID as Device ID when transmitting MMC commands
  • CMD + arrows to switch between Compositions
  • Enhance drawing performance when a Composition is zoomed
  • Keyframes created with the "Place Keyframes at Playhead Location" should be selected
  • Send MMC locate command too when sending sending Stop/Start
  • Add support for sending out the current frame number as an OSC Parameter <$F>
  • Support for grouping multi-arguments OSC messages
  • Minor UI changes and fixes
  • Removed the Bang button from Art-Net Tracks, because that does not have any function there


  • Keyframes with the same value (or close to) won't be drawn in certain circumstances
  • The MIDI Clock tool allowed to set to 0 BPM when the BPM value changed by a MIDI controller
  • Cannot Shift-Select Keyframes on a single Track
  • Incoming OSC Value need to be sent twice or it won't be recorded on the current location after changing the current position on the timeline
  • Cannot move multiple keyframes vertically by the arrow keys
  • Value of an OSC Value Track that using the <$> key within a string type argument send its value twice
  • When a target Keyframe is outside of the working area but the source Keyframe is inside, interpolation won't be processed
  • Custom Cue names are not restored when copy-pasting Cues
  • Solo mode is not working with multiple sync-slave Compositions
  • Timing issues when recording multiple MIDI Tracks
  • Drawing glitches when jumping between Cues or on Rewind
  • Crash when sending OSC messages to any buttons of Vezér with any type other than int or float
  • Right-click on a Keyframe triggers to contextual-menu if available, but does not mark the Keyframe selected

1.5.3 (2016/01/24 - Rev.617)


  • Major performance improvements and optimisations
  • Added option the select all Keyframes within the Working Area


  • Crash when drag&drop Tracks between Compositions
  • Vezér's MIDI outputs going to be duplicated when loading a project
  • Drawing issues when selecting a range of Tracks by the mouse
  • Track copy operation may not make copies with unique name

    • *

1.5.2 (2015/11/26 - Rev.606)


  • Transmit MIDI Machine Control
  • Added support for using mono audio outputs
  • Support renaming of all selected Flags
  • Sending out MTC Full Frames and restarting Clock when jumped on the timeline during playback
  • Use SHIFT+Up/Down to 0.01 increment of OSC float keyframes, and normal should be 1/100 of the max values


  • Color Tracks do not interpolate when rendering to XML
  • Projects saved with Solo mode and Master Play button enabled may start multiple Compositions after project loading
  • OSC Keyframes outside from the working area going to be sent on looping
  • Jumping before the working area start position while running stops the Composition
  • Audio playhead does not updating when jumping between Cues but Cues are disabled
  • Duration of audio files not correct with some audio formats

1.5.1 (2015/09/30 - Rev.598)

Adds OS X 10.11 El Capitan compatibility.


  • Crash on calling undo after duplicating a Composition
  • Trimming a Composition does not trim Cues
  • Composition FPS change does not resample Cues
  • Crash while drawing many recorded Keyframes
  • Trigger comp with name OSC action off by one
  • Copy-Pasting regular Keyframes to OSC Flags does not follows the last OSC Flag address
  • Copy-pasting multiple Keyframes from multiple Tracks may results in wrong Keyframe order

1.5 (2015/08/10 - Rev.593)


  • Optimised project loading speed
  • Optimised recording performance
  • Optimised playback performance
  • Redesigned Queue function
  • Grouping OSC messages
  • Send MTC by Compositions
  • Search and Replace
  • Sorting Tracks
  • Added option to loop in Queued mode
  • Place Cue/Keyframe at the current Playhead location
  • CMD+doubleclick to select Cues/Keyframes to the end from the current location
  • Show total duration of the project on the title bar
  • Added $COMPINDEX as an OSC Track parameter
  • Added option to use HSB instead of RGB when converting values to Color Keyframes
  • Handle MIDI Note Velocity
  • Support for MTC Full Frame messages
  • ArtNet Channel, MIDI CC field value increasing should handle different outputs
  • CMD and SHIFT selection should work as in Finder
  • SHIFT+doubleclick to select Cues/Keyframes to the start from the current location
  • Remember and use the last OSC address in Composition instead of /example
  • Set MAXBPM to 720 instead of 480
  • OSC Feedback: MIDI Clock Tool BPM
  • OSC control and feedback for Art-Net Color Master Fader
  • Remember the state of "Show Column Indexes"
  • Composition info displays Composition length in hh:mm:ss.ff format instead of seconds
  • Support for updating multiple Keyframes
  • Use the color of the previous Keyframes when creating a new Keyframe on a Color Track
  • Add Global Hue rotate option
  • Playhead now draggable after moving it by clicking on the playhead view
  • Paste Tracks below the last selected Track (if there are any)
  • Added option to start Queue mode from the current Composition
  • Low resolution warning and drawing has been removed
  • Redesigned the Right-Click menu of Keyframes
  • Enhanced detection of master MTC clock stop


  • Track drag marker displays wrong on collapsed Tracks
  • Audio glitching on window resizing/zooming
  • Switching between Composition while the Auto-Bang mode running deadlocks the app
  • MIDI Clock BPM sync using too much CPU
  • Cues not working when Solo mode enabled
  • Art-Net Color Master Fader does not save/load its settings
  • Audio may keep playing after triggering a new Composition when Queue mode is enabled
  • Editing SMPTE offset settings while the composition is running should be disallowed
  • Crash while drawing the UI in certain cirumstances
  • Right-click on the blank area to show the "Add Tracks" menu not always work
  • Some MIDI inputs may going to be disabled after loading a project
  • Cannot restart playback with the PlayAll button when a Composition has been paused by a Cue
  • OSC Tracks may add a whitespace to constant string parameter at the end in certain circumstances
  • Crash when removing a Composition while the project is running
  • Crash on clearing out a project in certain circumstances
  • Cannot select Audio File output on multichannel audio devices
  • Copy/Paste/Move/Import Audio Tracks may results in wrong Track positions
  • Multiple OSC Flag Keyframe on the same location won't be processed
  • Queued Compositions which are not playing still sends OSC feedback on stop
  • Crash on selecting Search&Replace where there are no ArtNet tracks in the current project
  • Compositions List lost focus after selecting a Composition with the up and down arrow keys
  • Possible crash around recording huge number of keyframes
  • Random keyframes after restart recording
  • Jump to Active Cue/Keyframe menu item always disabled
  • Cannot export multiple MIDI Notes at the same time on a MIDI Notes Track to a MIDI file
  • Some MIDI sources are not listed as valid Clock/SPP sources
  • Crash on Color Tracks when calling undo after changing Composition duration
  • Crash when refreshing the list of discovered Art-Net nodes
  • Crash on Color Tracks after changing Composition duration
  • Undo delete of Flags does not restore the address
  • Undo after changing the duration of a Composition may produces wrong results
  • Copy from a collapsed Track results in wrong values on Paste
  • Possible crash when stop recording
  • Copy and Paste multiple Tracks pasting the Tracks in wrong order
  • Process Keyframes on Unpause/Jump should not process the last keyframe when the current location already sends values by interpolation (2015/04/16 - Rev.547)


  • Quick-fix for a crashing bug when editing Keyframes

1.4.2 (2015/04/15 - Rev.546)


  • Move Keyframes by Cues
  • SMPTE Offset
  • Export MIDI Tracks to MIDI Files
  • Option for disabling ask for save on quit
  • OSC command for loading a project
  • Sending the playhead position as a timecode-like string with OSC
  • Keyframes and Cues at the same location marked with red color
  • Handle multi-value OSC messages while recording
  • Setting to manual tempo not resets the Composition BPM


  • Crash when trying to copy Keyframes on an Audio Track
  • Composition rewinds on reaching a Cue when the Rewind On Stop behaviour has been enabled
  • Composition Info not being updated after duplicating Tracks/Compositions
  • Possible crash while resizing the main window when some Tracks has invalid min/max values after load
  • Bang button of OSC flag tracks allows MIDI mapping
  • Projects saved while recording won't unlock recorded Tracks after disabling record
  • Cannot control OSC Flag Tracks Enable button by OSC
  • Process Keyframes on Jump/Unpause preference does not working when the Composition is synced to an external source
  • Undoing a recorded session may remove non-recorded keyframes in certain circumstances
  • Crash by Art-Net server creates zombie threads on network or Art-Net input changes
  • Cannot disable Art-Net input if it has been enabled once
  • Some Keyframes may not being processed in certain circumstances
  • Display problems with mouse cursor when Stretching Cues
  • Audio Track does not displays itself grey when it is locked
  • Locking an Audio Track still enables to move the Audio Waveform by the time field
  • Calling undo after moving keyframes may produce wrong results
  • MIDI Import may merge MIDI CC Tracks using the same MIDI channel

1.4.1 (2015/02/23 - Rev.527)


  • DMX record
  • Added special $TRACK OSC address parameter
  • New OSC query: /vezer/countofcomps
  • Sending out automatic feedbacks with /current/ values too
  • Bonjour OSC target auto-reconnect


  • Undo is enabled while recording
  • Drawing issues around the Playhead after jumping on the timeline
  • Audio playback issues after jumping on the timeline
  • Selected ArtNet network interface won't be saved/restored
  • Crash when no Art-Net channel specified on a Track
  • Crash while editing DMX soft-patch
  • Control+Click does not popup the right-click menu on Color Keyframes
  • MTC synced Compositions losing sync over the time
  • Art-Net Input nodes display wrong SubNet/Universe
  • Range Select tool does not working with Cues

1.4 (2014/12/16 - Rev.519)

OS X 10.6 no longer supported - this version requires at least OS X 10.7!


  • Cues
  • OSC Flags
  • OSC feedback and query
  • DMX Soft Patching
  • Range Select Tool
  • Search and Replace
  • Lock Project
  • Support Hours in Composition length
  • Added option to record MIDI/OSC without Interpolation
  • Additional special OSC commands
  • Support Undo for DMX channel, repeats
  • Enable Art-Net to use the loopback interface
  • Other applications can use Art-Net on the same computers
  • Enhance handling of timeline "jumps" when using SPP or MTC sync
  • Allow stretch for 2 Keyframes too
  • OSX fullscreen support
  • Show column indexes
  • Non-looping Compositions should only rewind at the end when the "Rewind on stop" option has been enabled in the Preferences


  • Some buttons may be in MIDI/OSC map mode after launch in rare circumstances
  • Crash when creating an Art-Net Track on a duplicated Composition
  • SubNet of Art-Net III devices may don't be discovered correctly
  • Issues with moving and selecting Audio Tracks which does not start at zero frame
  • Vezér processing not enabled compositions right after loading a project
  • Crash when previewing interpolations while an Audio Track is selected too
  • MIDI SPP sync mode may out of sync when the source clock is not at 120 BPM
  • Split view going to be collapsed by simply clicking on the right side
  • UI elements listening to MIDI/OSC messages while project loading and startup which may result in a crash
  • MIDI Clock won't send correct BPM after unpausing
  • Invalid CH or R settings on an Art-Net Track may result in a crash while loading a project
  • Sync may stop after jumping on the timeline when using a SPP featured MIDI Clock sync
  • Long Composition names displays cut
  • Interpolated MIDI Notes may send their value twice
  • Multiple Keyframes at the same time on the same MIDI Notes track won't be processed
  • Switching from MTC or Clock sync from Normal playback makes the Composition unplayable
  • Crash when loading a project which try to use a MIDI output which does not exist
  • When selecting Compositions sometimes the time field become active
  • Possible crash after looping while recording a Track
  • Frame number field shows "*" after stop (2014/08/29 - Rev.488)


  • Keyframes at the end of the Composition won't be loaded

1.3.3 (2014/08/27 - Rev.487)


  • Import from Project
  • Record on the current location when Record is on, but the Composition does not playing
  • Trim/Expand Composition to selected Audio files length
  • Option to OSC Track Preferences to normalise output between the 0-1 range
  • Support for <{replace0}gt; key on OSC Value Track to define position of calculated well when sending multiple values
  • Copy-Paste Track with simple select
  • Playhead jumps to the Working Area Start point after Project loading from now
  • Update Keyframe on paste only happening when you paste only one Keyframe and the target Keyframe is selected
  • Restart playback after XML export
  • Work Area Start and End added to the rendered XML
  • 6 digits precision for XML rendering


  • Drawing issue on Audio Tracks when Audio start time is not 0
  • Keyframe Stretching does not working on re-ordered Tracks and may results in a crash
  • Color Tracks do not respect optimised sending flag while rendering to an XML
  • Color Tracks may render glitches on windows
  • On project load "Save&New" option is misleading
  • Last frame does not get rendered to XML
  • Value Flow may be displayed incorrectly
  • Tracks may lose timing precision on loop
  • Keyframes at Tracks start time may be skipped while rendering in certain circumstances
  • After loading a project Keyframes may have wrong order in certain circumstances
  • Possible crash when calling undo after copy/paste Keyframes in certain circumstances
  • Using the $ mark in the OSC address may results in a crash in certain circumstances
  • Undo not working with recorded Keyframes
  • Tracks should not allow user input while recording
  • Cannot move the playhead to the latest frame in some circumstances
  • Crash when trying to remove an Art-Net output when none was selected
  • Compositions may not listed in Auto-Bang's Composition select
  • Cannot create Art-Net outputs in certain circumstances
  • OSC Track Preference wheel may disappear when clicking around it while the Track is not selected
  • MIDI Notes Keyframes may be out of range after project loading
  • Recalculate Keyframes when value range changes may produce invalid results
  • Remove a Track while dragging may results in a crash when you next call undo

1.3.2 (2014/06/20 - Rev.473)


  • Enhanced rendering engine accuracy
  • Select part of the Audio Track to use with the convert to Keyframes feature
  • Added Solo/Mute/Unmute to Composition On/Off button
  • Paste in Place
  • Select the same/different Keyframes per Track
  • Allow output MIDI to any MIDI destinations
  • Structure of exported XML has been redesigned
  • With Color Tracks now the exact color will be drawn on each frame
  • Copy-paste multiple Keyframes from multiple Tracks to multiple Tracks is possible from now
  • Project saves/loads which Composition was active
  • Option added to Preferences to enable/disable processing first keyframe on start
  • Option added to Preferences to enable/disable processing last keyframe on restart/unpause
  • Allow Tracks to be selected/deselected when click on them while the Shift key pressed
  • Update keyframe instead of creating a new when pasting an other to the same location


  • The ArtNet server may try to establish the connection with a network node which don't have an IP address
  • No scroll when dragging Keyframes or the Working Area
  • Unmute should resend the current ArtNet color after mute
  • Cannot move multiple Keyframes on multiple Tracks with the arrow keys
  • Crash in rare circumstances because of key event processing on Compositions list
  • When tapping tempo to the MIDI Clock synced Composition won't update
  • Process Keyframes while dragging do not work with Color Keyframes
  • Cannot change color of multiple Keyframes on multiple Tracks
  • In some circumstances triggering the Color Panel may change the color of the selected Keyframes
  • Art-Net Color Master Fader affects disabled Tracks and Compositions too
  • Composition View not updating well after removing a Composition in some circumstances
  • Audio filter state do not save
  • Converting normal Keyframes to Color Keyframes may produce wrong color results
  • Shift + drag or select on Color Tracks resets the current selection
  • Drawing issues with Color Tracks and Keyframes (2014/05/29 - Rev.462)


  • RGB+Amber color mode


  • Crash when displaying the Startup window on 10.8 and under (2014/05/24 - Rev.461)


  • A crashing bug on save

1.3.1 (2014/05/23 - Rev.460)


  • Startup screen
  • Keyframe alignment guides
  • DMX Button for Blackout
  • DMX Blackout option on Mute Track/Composition (check Preferences)
  • Bang button for ArtNet Tracks
  • Enhanced Playhead snapping accuracy
  • Creating a New Project now automatically creates an empty Composition
  • Minor UI improvements


  • Problems with sending the Blue channel over ArtNet
  • Cannot Unlock ArtNet Tracks
  • ArtNet auto-configure do not working if only one node detected
  • Turning off a Composition does not stop audio
  • Crash when trying to process an invalid .ASE file
  • Vezér do not respond after trying to import multiple ASE files
  • ArtNet Output popup is not in alphabetical order
  • Creating a new project while the Auto-Bang window is visible disconnects the main window
  • Auto-Bang does not update Tracks in some circumstances which may produce a crash
  • Switching to Auto-Bang while a Composition is running should stop the Compositions

1.3 (2014/05/12 - Rev.452)


  • Art-Net support with Value and Color type Tracks
  • OSC Color type Tracks
  • Import MIDI files
  • Import Adobe Color Swatch (.ase) files
  • New Tools: DMX DIP Switch Calculator, DMX Master Fader, DMX Output Monitor
  • Buttons for triggering the next and previous Composition
  • Option to display the value flow on Tracks
  • Using the Composition name as a parameter within OSC address ($COMP)
  • Keyboard shortcut to rewind the current Composition
  • Compositions has been processed while loading a project from now
  • After any of the settings of a Track has been edited, the Track will be reprocessed
  • Keyboard shortcut to zoom in/out
  • Interpolation curves will previewing while exploring them
  • Added Save & Quit option
  • OSC settings view has been redesigned
  • Minor UI changes


  • MIDI CC Track settings may be empty when launching Vezér by loading a project
  • Crash on 10.6 when mute an audio file while playback
  • MIDI Mappings on Master Controls do not reset after creating a new project
  • Keyframes are processing even if the same value sent before because of interpolation
  • Cannot import audio files if extension is uppercase
  • Crash on looping audio in certain circumstances
  • Vezér may unable to select the default audio output on Audio Tracks in certain circumstances
  • Cannot move multiple keyframes on multiple tracks in certain circumstances
  • Cannot deselect Keyframes when Shift key is pressed
  • Cannot undo OSC address space changes
  • Non-interpolationg Keyframes do not process when scrubbing the playhead backward
  • Non-interpolationg Keyframes may do not process when rewind the Composition which is running
  • Crash when set an invalid min/max range on an OSC Track
  • Crash when calling Undo while dragging Keyframes
  • Crash when moving Tracks in some circumstances
  • Cannot create preset from a Boolean type OSC Value Track
  • Special OSC keywords are not being processed when using the Shot function
  • Possible crash on the MIDI Clock tool when no MIDI destinations available
  • Multiple Tracks can have the same name
  • Cannot Shift-select Keyframes

1.2.2 (2014/02/18 - Rev.414)


  • Quicklook support in Finder for Projects files saved with version 1.2.2 and above
  • Enhanced rendering accuracy
  • Extend Composition FPS to max. 100
  • Added option to enabled/disable optimised value sending
  • Added MadMapper (1.6 or above) related OSC Presets


  • Crash related to load and save a project file with unavailable audio devices
  • Crash when undoing keyframes paste in certain circumstances
  • Cannot set different settings for MIDI Tracks
  • Possible crash when removing Keyframes from a Composition which is currently running
  • Crash when trying to refresh the IP, but the computer does not have a valid IP address

1.2.1 (2014/01/31 - Rev.403)


  • Last Keyframe is processed on startup when an interpolated value will also follow
  • Composition info not being updated after changing the duration of the Compositions
  • Minor drawing issues

1.2 (2014/01/27 - Rev.401)



  • Collapse/Expand should affect all selected Tracks
  • OSC Presets does not apply min/max value when the Preset type is integer
  • Composition working area may be skipped in some circumstances
  • Interpolation curve won't draw between two keyframes if they at the same time
  • Cannot drag audio file alias
  • Cannot edit OSC float values in some circumstances
  • OSC Keyframes show/process wrong values in some circumstances
  • Audio playback starts in the background when Queue mode is enabled
  • Compositions don't start from the beginning when Queue mode is enabled
  • Cannot stop Composition when both Queue and Solo modes are enabled
  • Composition play button being triggered by OSC zero
  • A rare but crashing bug with some special keyboard shortcuts
  • OSC booleans draws interpolations in some circumstances
  • Paste Keyframes may place Keyframes outside the Composition duration
  • Cannot editing Keyframes value by the Composition is running

1.1.3 (2013/11/25 - Rev.364)


  • Support for project relative file pathes with Audio files when saving project files. This is automatic.
  • Removed the option for Processing Keyframes on start/jump. Keyframes are important, so they should be processed every time.


  • Cannot unlock Audio Tracks
  • Crash when selecting a Composition after loading a project which contains invalid Keyframe data
  • Keyframe will not be processed if it has the same value as the previous Keyframe
  • Disabled Compositions still processing their values in the background without any visual notification
  • Horizontal scrolling after zooming do a jump on the timeline to an unexpected position
  • Track locking should not affect collapse/expand
  • Keyframes not drawing their interpolation curves after recording OSC/MIDI

1.1.2 (2013/11/06 - Rev.355)


  • Now you can use $ mark in OSC addresses to use Tracks value in the address


  • Possible crash when loading a project which uses MIDI sync
  • MTC Sync does not working with some SMPTE FPS formats
  • Changing the min/max values of a Track does not recalculate Keyframes positions well (2013/10/29 - Rev.353)


  • Cannot create Audio Tracks on 10.9

1.1.1 (2013/10/28 - Rev.352)



  • Composition Working Area control snaps to seconds from now. Use Shift+drag to avoid snapping.
  • NoteOff messages delayed by 1 frame from now, because some hosts need it, like Quartz Composer


  • Composition position does not update when changing the composition's time
  • Keyframes order may going to be corrupt while moving them
  • Time and Value fields are not reseted when removing the Active Keyframe
  • Cannot scroll with Mouse Wheel
  • Auto-Bang sends wrong Note/CC values in some circumstances
  • Tracks On/Off buttons MIDI assign and state does not saved with projects data
  • Possible crash on startup because of some outdated MIDI drivers
  • Drawing glitches while scrolling
  • Composition settings allows invalid values
  • Switch back to Normal tempo does not results in switching to normal playback tempo
  • A crashing bug with toggling OSC namespaces and Auto-Bang
  • A crashing bug with recording in some rare circumstances
  • Audio Tracks do not handle looping well if the sound file does not start from the Track's beginning
  • Audio Tracks mute does not work while the Composition playing
  • Audio playback does not stop when stop triggered by Play All button
  • Jumping in timeline results wrong audio playback position in some circumstances
  • Resume playback with audio sometimes result in wrong audio playback position

1.1 (2013/10/09 - Rev.337)

Version overview on the blog



  • If the app waiting for the MIDI Clock Start signal, the BPM field will show the Waiting text.
  • Tracks drawing performance have been optimised.
  • If a Track has too much Keyframes in the current zoom level, it won't display all, but a kind of low-resolution view. In this case, you cannot move and delete single Keyframes, but the whole group.
  • From now, you cannot MIDI Map the Bang buttons, because it does not make any sense, but confusing.
  • There is a Normal Tempo mode as default, which ignores BPM.
  • Projects loads much faster, especially with high number of Keyframes.
  • Compositions Settings now a menu item, instead of a button on the UI.
  • Now you can quit the app by closing the main window :)


  • Various crashing bugs related to undo/redo
  • Crash when loading a new project in certain circumstances
  • Crash when toggle on OSC namespace or trigger MIDI learn on Auto-Bang window in certain circumstances
  • Possible crash while processing malformed OSC bundles
  • Keyframes send their values twice in some circumstances
  • MIDI Clock BPM source won't be saved
  • Time, Value and OSC Namespace fields apply changes on Enter only*

1.0.4 (2013/08/21 - Rev.289)


  • Cmd+MouseWheel: Zooms in and out


  • Cannot create OSC input port if the default 1234 is already in use
  • Crash after switch to Auto-Bang pane in certain circumstances
  • OSC namespaces not restored well after loading a project

1.0.3 (2013/08/05 - Rev.265)


  • Stretch Keyframes
  • Composition Enable button
  • Move multiple Keyframes on multiple Tracks


  • Recording multiple MIDI tracks may not work in certain circumstances
  • Compositions state (enable or disabled) won't save/load
  • Cannot control some buttons of Vezér with OSC
  • Issue with offline license validation
  • Issues around changing OSC outputs
  • Possible issues when sending OSC values to Vezér while its loading a project
  • Tracks' destination MIDI Channel data won't save
  • Issues with handling Solo mode

1.0.2 (2013/07/29 - Rev.249)


  • Inverting Keyframes
  • MIDI/OSC assign to Composition BPM
  • Display the current Composition in Queue mode


  • Improved timing accuracy
  • BPM value does not affect playback speed after loading a project
  • Solo button triggers playback
  • OSC Presets loading wrong float values & problems with some built-in Modul8 Presets
  • Timeline's scroll view size in not updated well in certain circumstances
  • Dragging value of the BPM field on 2nd monitor does not working
  • Fixes related to stability and memory management

1.0.1 (2013/07/25 - Rev.231)


  • Crash on clicking on the main menu after creating a new project
  • Composition info not resets after creating a new project
  • Possible crash when changing MIDI/OSC outputs

1.0 (2013/07/24)

  • inital release

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