
Vezér 1.4.2 released

Vezér 1.4.2 has been released with some nice little but very helpful new features. Here comes the list of the most important ones:

Move Keyframes By Cues

This new features allows you to move, stretch - or even delete -  one or more Cue(s) and the related Keyframes in an easy way. The only thing you need to do to activate this feature is click on a Cue and hold down the mouse button for a bit. You can find more info about this feature in the Knowledge Base.


 SMPTE Offset


SMPTE Offset now supported when you sync a Composition with MIDI Timecode, so Vezér won't start the playback until the big time is coming! You can read more about this feature in the Knowledge Base.

Export MIDI Tracks


Now you can export your MIDI Tracks to standard MIDI files to use the data in any other environment. For technical details about this feature be sure you read the corresponding Knowledge Base article.  

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg! There are some other improvement I should mention:

  • Support for recording multi-argument OSC messages
  • OSC command for project loading and additional OSC feedbacks
  • Option for disable confirmation on quit
  • And as always, important bug fixes!

The full changelog can be found here.